initClub · 1Úre Communauté Webflow Francophone

Updated last month

Webgl and shaders on webflow cms

At a glance

The post asks if any community members have set up webgl/shaders on the Webflow CMS. The comments indicate that no one has done this on a CMS, with one community member suggesting it may be possible on Bolk, and another saying they have only done it on static websites, but would be interested in looking into it further.

Bjr bsr đŸ€
Quelqu’un ici a dĂ©jĂ  mis en place du webgl/shaders sur du CMS Webflow ?


Never ! Peut-ĂȘtre chez Bolk ? @AmĂ©lie Guider @DaphnĂ© Heraiz-Bekkis

Jamais non plus en CMS , seulement en statique mais ça me chaufferait de regarder ! đŸ€“

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